Pangei, Manipur 795114
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM



The field of Forensic Science faces several challenges, but there is also a clear roadmap for its future development:

1. Target to accreditation under NABL, bringing all Forensic Science laboratory under a standard norm. Laboratory Accreditation requires laboratory infrastructure to be maintained at a minimum standard. For this, the rooms / lab should be of a certain standard with Quality Infrastructure and organized / systematic arrangement to meet the requirements of Accreditation.

2. Staying abreast of emerging technologies in Forensic Science, such as nanotechnology and advanced chemical analysis, presents a challenge for forensic laboratories to continually upgrade their capabilities.

3. Proper collection, handling, and preservation of biological evidence are critical to maintaining its integrity for analysis. Challenges arise in ensuring that samples are collected and stored in a manner that prevents contamination and degradation.

4. Perpetrators of cybercrimes often employ various anti-forensic measures to obstruct or obfuscate digital evidence, such as data wiping, file hiding, and manipulation of timestamps. Overcoming these techniques presents a formidable challenge for forensic analysts.

The Directorate of Forensic Sciences, Manipur has future plans for acquisition of additional facilities in new areas of scientific investigations like, Explosive analysis, Physics, Cyber Forensic, Voice Analysis etc. The Directorate is actively pursuing for “Accreditation of Divisions” under National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) which will be in tune with the Government policy of War on drugs.